Bana Ba Letsatsi

In Maun, the tourist hub of Botswana, one will find the day-care centre Bana Ba Letsatsi, meaning “Children of the Sun”. The centre takes care of orphans, street children as well as children and young people from socially weak families, providing them care and safety and basic needs. The children get daily meals, clothing and medical care, are supported with doing their homework and can enjoy sports facilities. Bana Ba Letsatsi also takes the kids into nature, going on camping trips to the neighbouring Okavango Delta, in order to enhance their relationship with – and understanding of nature and wildlife. The main focus of Bana Ba Letsatsi is to have a significant impact on the future of the children. Psychosocial support is offered, for example through art and drama therapy, in order to develop as an individual. But also skills training, such as vocational skills, brick laying, plumbing or cooking is offered, in order to prepare every child for the labour market in a way that is suitable for that child. Pack Safari has supported the transport of children between their homes and the centre, and in order to go on school trips.